Episode 32 – Eschatological Braxton Hicks

Kainos Project
Kainos Project
Episode 32 - Eschatological Braxton Hicks

2020 was a crazy year. And the early parts of 2021 don’t seem to be letting up. In the past year, we’ve seen a global pandemic, social unrest, political instability, and an economic downturn. We’re more divided than ever, and our challenges are considerable. All of this has some people asking, “Could this be the end of the world?”

So on this episode of the podcast, we want to discuss that question. And we want to discuss the answer, but we also want to question the question itself.

In this podcast we tackle three big questions:

  1. What does the Bible say about the end of the world?
  2. Why were our parents so obsessed with the end of the world, and how can we get over our rapture anxiety?
  3. What, if any, indications do we see in the world right now that the end is drawing near?


The existential questions we ask are revealing of the state of our souls. Share on X When you're having labor pains, you aren't quite sure the difference between a cramp and a contraction. But when the baby is coming, there's no mistaking it. It's kind of the same thing with the end times. Share on X In one sense, we overemphasize this conversation in terms of trying to plot out the particulars. But we underemphasize it in terms of the confidence we're supposed to have in Christ. Share on X When we weaponize fear, we are missing the point. Share on X Sometimes we need to zoom out and remember the end of the story--and the point of the story. Share on X

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