submit an essay for kainos project

Kainos Project exists to create a community of voices that are eager to explore the new ways in which God wants to work in the lives of his followers and in his Church. 

Our articles cover four different areas

Discussions about our faith intersects with matters of life, career, church practices, spiritual growth, relationships, and ethical questions.

Thoughtful Christian commentary on global and national issues of concern, including politics.

Explorations of biblical or systematic theology, drawing on the words of scripture and the ideas of other theologians, both past and present.

Book and movie reviews, as well as helpful curation of resources for readers who are seeking to dive deeper into a particular area of study.

Pitch an Article

To pitch an article you’d like to write, include a summary describing the article idea, an approximate length, and date it could be finished.


We prefer completed submissions in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Each submission should include your name and a brief bio. We don’t pay for articles, but we do include a byline, bio, and link. Every article is edited for length, grammar, content, style and tone.

Pitch an idea or submit an article to Kainos Project here

We do our best to respond to all inquiries, but are not able to accept every submission. If we do not accept your article, we appreciate your understanding and hope you will make other submissions in the future.

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