Pro-Life or Abortion Abolitionism: Who’s Right?

After the fall of Roe v. Wade, pro-life Christians around the nation celebrated the nearly half-century of advocacy that led to the decision. However, a little more than a year after the Dobbs decision, national abortion rates are up.

What’s more is that Christians within the pro-life movement disagree about how best to move forward. On the one hand, you have mainstream, incrementalist pro-life movement, which has led in this conversation for the better part of five decades. And on the other, you have the emerging abortion abolitionist movement, which is advocating for total bans on abortion and criminal prosecutions for women who seek them.

In this episode, we discuss how the abolitionist movement differs from the traditional pro-life movement. We express where we can find areas of agreement with abolitionists, as well as what we find troubling about the movement.

This conversation is morally complex, and we don’t arrive at ironclad answers so much as we seek to faithfully wrestle with the right questions as we seek to value unborn lives, as well as the lives of the women who we hope will carry those lives to term.


READ: How To Approach the Abortion Conversation
READ: Why Being Pro-Life Doesn’t Make You Anti-Woman
LISTEN: Expanding The Pro-Life Conversation


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