“I can’t breathe.” The last words of a black man killed at the hands of a white police officer. Racial injustice has sadly been a part of American culture since the birth of this nation. What are we to do?
In this episode of the podcast, we lament over the tragic and needless deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and the countless others like them. We admit that we don’t have very many good answers, but we wanted to wrestle through the events of this week with you.
As we talk, can hear us get emotional, as we—like many of you—are so overwhelmed by all the events of this week, their implications in the context of historic racism, and the varied responses to the news headlines.
We invite you to sit in the mess with us. We surely won’t say everything right. As white folks, we understand that we will never fully understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of such injustice. But we wanted to create a space for messy conversation to happen. We appreciate your grace.