Episode 46 – Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up

Kainos Project
Kainos Project
Episode 46 - Will The Real Jesus Please Stand Up

Everything in the life of a Christian revolves around the person of Jesus. But understanding exactly who and what Jesus is isn’t exactly simple.

We know that he died for our sins and rose that we might have life in him, and we put our full trust and faith in him. But what does it mean that Jesus is fully man and fully God? How does that work itself out? And why do those details matter to us?

In this episode of the podcast, we dive into an area of theology called Christology. And our goal is to gain a better understanding of the person and nature of Jesus.

In our discussion, we explore some of the historical councils that gave us some clarified language around Christology, including the Council of Nicaea (AD 325), the Council of Ephesus (AD 431), and the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451).

We also talk about Spirit Christology, which sees Jesus as less of a suped up version of a man and more as a truly human man who was reliant on the Holy Spirit for all of his miracles, spiritual insights, and strength in times of temptation.

What’s more is that we discuss what it means to be saved, namely that we are including “in Christ.”

Here are the links to the resources we reference in this episode.

The Person of Christ” by Donald Macleod
One with Christ: An Evangelical Theology of Salvation” by Marcus Peter Johnson


As you begin to understand who Jesus is on an existential level, what you're left with is a lot of tension between the different aspects of who Jesus is. Share on X Jesus is an eternal part of the Godhead. He is fully God and fully human, but he has one will. Those two natures are united into one person, and yet those two natures remain distinct. (Not confusing at all.) Share on X When Jesus was born, he was just as helpless as any other human baby. And yet, paradoxically, he was still holding the universe together. Share on X We tend to have a suped up understanding of Jesus' humanity--something we've taken to calling 'God in the bod.' But the bible says that Jesus emptied himself out. Share on X During his ministry, Jesus never used his 'God card.' He always operated out of his reliance on the Holy Spirit. Share on X The transfiguration was such an important moment in Jesus' life and ministry because it was a rare moment when he did actually pull the curtain back and allow his closest followers to see his divinity. Share on X The Spirit Christology understanding brings Jesus a lot closer to us, which was the whole point of the incarnation. Share on X Because of the Holy Spirit, you have every resource available to you in your spiritual life that Jesus had in his spiritual life. Share on X Jesus is inviting you to step into greater faithfulness by the very same power he used. Share on X Salvation and Jesus' salvific work can't be separated from the person of Jesus himself. Share on X Justification isn't salvation. It's a byproduct of salvation. Salvation is the fact that you are now included into the person of Jesus Christ. Share on X Would you be just as excited for heaven if Jesus weren't there? Share on X When our simple explanations become simplistic understandings, we end up with a hollowed out spirituality. Share on X Jesus became fully human so that we could. Share on X

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