What is Generational Sin?
You may have heard it said that “the sins of the father will be visited on the son.” But what does that mean? What is generational sin?
You may have heard it said that “the sins of the father will be visited on the son.” But what does that mean? What is generational sin?
Conspiracy theories often tell fantastical narratives with very little corroborating evidence. Yet so many Christians believe them.
Many have been wondering if we’re living in the end times. While we don’t know, we can be prepared for the end of world.
When we use positive language to cover up real pain or be dismissive of others, that’s what’s called toxic positivity.
For those who grew up in a nuclear family, biblical adoption metaphors might not resonate deeply. But it’s a perfect picture of the gospel.
Sometimes Jesus’ humanity seems unrelatable to us. But here are some aspects of Jesus’ life and ministry that show us how to be human.
Prosperity theology has hurt many people. It’s so insidious, because it creates a different version of what’s actually true.
The problem of evil has burdened the hearts of theologians for centuries. Here are four things to remember when you encounter it.
Views on the age of the earth differ among Christians, and both sides have good arguments. Here’s why it isn’t worth dividing over.
Predestination is one of the more mysterious and controversial ideas we find in the bible. It’s the idea that God chose, from eternity past, those