What Does It Really Mean To Take The Lord’s Name In Vain?
Christians are commanded not to take the Lord’s name in vain. Here are three reasons that means more than just what comes out of your mouth.
Christians are commanded not to take the Lord’s name in vain. Here are three reasons that means more than just what comes out of your mouth.
Over the past year, Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become a buzzword. Does our commitment to Sola Scriptura require us to reject it?
Evangelism revolves around Heaven and Hell. But here are three reasons overemphasizing Heaven and Hell is more harmful than it is helpful.
Evangelicalism and fundamentalism are sometimes thought of as one in the same. Here are four reasons why that assumption isn’t true.
“Deconstruction” and “exvangelical” are currently buzzwords. Here are three things Christians should know about the movement.
While we don’t often notice it, the bible talks about race a lot. Here are four specific times where God subverted racism in the bible.
It can be troubling to read violent stories in the bible. But here are five things every Christians should know about Old Testament violence.
Six Dr. Seuss books are being pulled from production, leaving many people outraged. Here’s how Christians should respond.
The Billy Graham Rule has been something of a gold standard among Christian leaders over many years. Here’s four reasons to reconsider that.
Some claim that wokeness is a danger to our churches that’s pulling us off course. Is that true? Here are four thoughts.