The Shared Value of Man and Woman
Despite what we are often taught or believe, man and woman were both created with incredible value, never one over the other.
Despite what we are often taught or believe, man and woman were both created with incredible value, never one over the other.
We typically think of the nativity scene depicting baby Jesus in a stable. But what if that’s not where he was actually born?
Social Justice matter to God. It should matter to us too.
Politics are important, but we need to engage in politics with a Jesus centered focus. To do otherwise is idolatry.
Jesus is fully God. But Jesus also became fully human. Here are three reasons why Jesus’ humanity really matters to us today.
Going to the gym is good for your body. It’s also good for your soul. Here’s why going to the gym is the Christian thing to do.
What is heaven like, really? The real heaven is different than what we’ve seen in the movies.
There are so many bible translations out there. But which one is the best translation? The answer is simpler than you might think.
What do broken toilets have to do with sanctification? Quite a lot, actually.
Being a pastor is a wonderful calling. Being a pastor is also harder than it looks.