How To Read Your Bible
We all know that we should read the bible. But what is that process supposed to look like? Here are some thoughts.
We all know that we should read the bible. But what is that process supposed to look like? Here are some thoughts.
Where was Jesus between Good Friday and Easter Sunday? Here are some thoughts on where Jesus went when he died.
Eternal life isn’t simply a hand stamp to get us out of hell and into heaven. It’s a dynamic life that we’re invited into here and now.
This August, my mom will have been with Jesus for 15 years. Here are three things her death is still teaching me.
Understanding the deeper things of God is so important. But nobody likes a theology snob.
Seminary training is such a valuable asset to church leaders. But there are a lot of misconceptions about seminary grads. Here are 5 surprising truths about seminary grads.
Sometimes people ask why Good Friday is called “good.” Here are four reasons why Good Friday service shouldn’t be like a funeral.
There are so many denominations. How can you know which one is the right denomination? Here are five questions to consider.
“You have a religion. I have a relationship.” Is that really the most helpful thing we can be saying? Is Christianity about religion?
Never believe the lie that your best days are behind you. Your best days are the days still to come. Here are four reasons we can trust that.