Stop Treating Rest Like It’s Something Shameful
In evangelical circles, rest is kind of like pooping. We all need to do it. It’s healthy for us. But we’re all ashamed to admit that we do it.
In evangelical circles, rest is kind of like pooping. We all need to do it. It’s healthy for us. But we’re all ashamed to admit that we do it.
Marriage is a blessing from God. It’s also a lot of work. Here are 3 important commitments that will keep your marriage healthy and strong.
Christians are commanded not to take the Lord’s name in vain. Here are three reasons that means more than just what comes out of your mouth.
Lately, it seems like our society is divided between the woke and the anti-woke. Here are three reasons why that binary isn’t helpful.
Sexual abuse is far more common in the Church than we acknowledge. Here are three things Christians must do for sexual abuse survivors.
Not all toxic churches are created equal. Here are four kinds of toxic churches and how to avoid becoming one.
We all want to see ourselves as humble people, but arrogance can be a sneaky thing. Here are three ways it can creep into your life.
Outrage is big business. But we’re called to be peacemakers. Here are four ways to be a reasonable person in a culture of outrage.
Discipling the next generation isn’t as simple as sharing correct doctrine. Discipleship is about passing on a way of life.
Money is an important aspect of our lives. Here are seven lessons we can learn from the Proverbs on how we should relate to it.