3 Ways to Keep From Becoming Spiritually Bitter and Cynical
Christians and non-Christians alike are disillusioned. But here are three ways to keep yourself from becoming spiritually bitter and cynical.
Christians and non-Christians alike are disillusioned. But here are three ways to keep yourself from becoming spiritually bitter and cynical.
“Repent” is a word that tends to make us think of angry people with yellow signs. But the absence of repentance in Christians is disastrous.
Sometimes, evangelicals have a codependent relationship with feeling persecuted. Here are three signs you’re dying on a hill Jesus never asked you to.
Following Jesus isn’t about merely getting your hand stamped for heaven. Here are some differences between being saved and being a disciple.
In a previous post, we explained why we don’t believe tithing is a requirement for Christians. But what should Christian generosity look like?
Everyone loves a good inspirational quote. But here’s how they might be more harmful than helpful to our Christian faith.
We tend to feel no obligation to submit to authorities we don’t agree with. Here’s why that should change.
Christians are well known for being anti-sin. But here are four common sins most of us tend to be oddly okay with.
Christians should work for unity, even when we don’t agree on everything. Here are four roadblocks that keep us from getting there.
As COVID-19 vaccine rollouts continue, some Christians are looking for a religious exemption. Here are three reasons that shouldn’t the case.