The Church’s Word in War
As we look to Ukraine, what word does the Church bring to this moment? How do we live in a world at war?
As we look to Ukraine, what word does the Church bring to this moment? How do we live in a world at war?
In our culture of reaction, some Christians are making a name for themselves. But we should be wary of anyone who builds their platform on outrage.
Basil of Caesarea, who has come to be known as Saint Basil the Great, is an ancient voice who often speaks with uncanny relevance to our modern world.
Most Christians tend to think of their part in the Great Commission as simply inviting friends to church. Here’s why that isn’t the case.
This year, like the last, has had some challenges. But as we look to 2022, here are 3 New Year’s Resolutions Christians can make.
More people than ever are leaving church. Many point to cultural factors, but maybe we should look at ourselves too.
We tend to think education holds the keys to transformation. But that isn’t always the case. Here’s why Bible knowledge isn’t always enough.
Christmas is a season of great expectations. But how are you expecting God to move in your life and in your community this Christmas?
In a world that offers too many bad answers and not enough good questions, Christians should be known for our curiosity.
Anyone who has experienced abuse will tell you that the journey to healing isn’t always a straight path.