When Two Theologians Get Married, What You Get is a Blog

When Two Theologians Get Married, What You Get is a Blog

First of all, thank you for taking the time to click the link, scroll to the bottom to see how long this blog entry was, then scroll back to the top and actually begin reading these words!

So why follow our blog when it seems that everybody has a blog about everything?

Well, this whole idea of a blog was birthed one night, while we were sitting at our dining room table talking to each other through a stack of books. We were on a study break, and so casually began talking about the various theological nuances within differing viewpoints of the end times. It was at this moment we realized how much we enjoyed these kinds of conversations.

Maybe we should start a blog!

This blog really springs from our genuine excitement to talk about theology and real life.

Sometimes it seems like these two worlds are so far disconnected as if theology is just something really nerdy Christians care about but that rarely transfers to real life. But we love talking about the hard things of faith and how they impact our daily lives.

Long story short, when two theologians get married, what you get is a blog. You’re welcome.

But we don’t just expect you to be as excited as we are. So here are three reasons we think you would love to follow our blog. 😉

1. We love Jesus and each other.

Both of us grew up in some really difficult situations, and it was in the midst of troubling times that our love for Jesus grew. Jesus’ faithfulness has gotten us through difficult times, and Jesus’ faithfulness leads us into seasons of joy.

Regardless of what life brings us, we’re confident that we can lean further into the arms of our Savior. He will never fail us.

It’s our individual love for Jesus that drew us to one another. We spent a whole semester standing in front of our cars long after class was over, talking about life. It was in these conversations that we realized how much we could relate to one another because of Jesus. Our love began to grow for one another, and we quickly realized it was meant to be.

Our greatest desire is to love one another more as we grow in our love for Jesus. As cheesy as that sounds, it’s true!

Our greatest desire is to love one another more as we grow in our love for Jesus. Share on X

2. We have a passion for the practical.

We’ve both spent countless hours in classrooms learning Hebrew and Greek, Church History, and Theology. And we love geeking out on all of it. But when it comes down to it, what drives us is our desire to see lives transformed by the good news of Jesus.

Nothing excites us more than when we see the light behind the eyes of someone who has just caught the vision for what God wants to do in us and through us.

Having spent a lot of time with people we love in the local church, we understand that seminary knowledge is meaningless if we aren’t able to bring it to bear on the practical situations we find ourselves in every day.

So we hope that this blog with help introduce you to some new ideas (and some old ones) in a way that is edifying, accessible, and timely.

For as much as we have loved our seminary education, if theology is merely an academic exercise, you’re not doing it right.

For as much as we have loved our seminary education, if theology is merely an academic exercise, you're not doing it right. Share on X

3. We want our personal conversations to benefit you.

We have just the right mixture of charm (Tamara) and narcissism (Dale) to make us believe that you’re interested in being a part of the conversations we have on a daily basis.

We would like to welcome you into our particular brand of madness, in hopes that you will benefit from the unexpected spiritual growth we experience when we’re eating tacos at 11pm and talking theology.

We are passionate about letting God speak into every aspect of life, from the major events of life to the mundane routines of your weekly schedule. So we invite you to join us on our journey, as we seek to love and serve Jesus together.

And as we continue to work through the many questions of life, we sense that others are asking the same questions.

We’d love for you to come along for the ride!

We are passionate about letting God speak into every aspect of life, from the major events of life to the mundane routines of your weekly schedule. Share on X

Join the Conversation!

Be sure to subscribe to our blog, which will release weekly on Thursdays.

We’d also love to hear from you. We want our conversation to expand past the two of us. Feel free to share any thoughts, questions, or ideas for topics you want us to talk about!


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nick Gonzalez

    Saying hi and thanks fro inviting us into your cyber space world

  2. Nick Gonzalez

    Looking forward to reading your future blogs

    1. Dale Chamberlain

      Thanks for coming along with us for the adventure!

  3. Bev Smith

    Excited to see where this goes.

  4. Rachelle Turner

    Tacos @ 11pm… Isn’t that 3 hours past your bed time!?! Lol.

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